Ranger In Time–My New Favorite Series


Ranger has been trained as a search-and-rescue dog, but can’t officially pass the test because he’s always getting distracted by squirrels during exercises. One day, he finds a mysterious first aid kit in the garden and is transported to the year 1850, where he meets a young boy named Sam Abbott. Sam’s family is migrating west on the Oregon Trail.  Ranger will continue to help them.  He is very good at finding things.

Ranger loves to dig.

Finding things is his favorite.

When he finds something that is lost, he feels

like a big wig!!

3 thoughts on “Ranger In Time–My New Favorite Series

  • November 12, 2015 at 7:55 am

    Dear Nash,
    Thank you for telling us about this book. Ranger sounds like a very curious dog. I’m glad Ranger is good at finding things. I also like your poem. Good job Nash! What is happening now in your book?
    Mrs. Fordyce

  • November 13, 2015 at 1:18 am

    Dear Nash,
    I really like your poem and how you used one of our Gaga idioms.
    I understand that he might like to chase squirrels, but why does he do it in the middle of exercises?
    Doesn’t he know that he’s going through something important?
    Ranger seems like a fun dog to have.
    Why did then author choose to put a first aid kit instead of something like a teleporter?
    What has been your favorite part of the book?
    Is Sam Abbotts nice or does he yell at him if he doesn’t find anything?
    What has Ranger found?
    From Ethan

    • November 13, 2015 at 5:51 am

      Dear Ethan,
      I read your comment to Nash and truly wished I knew the answers to your amazing questions. I haven’t read the book so we will wait until Nash reveals the answers. Your comment is a true example of “reving up your mind” and analyzing your text.

      Wonderful comment Ethan!
      Mrs. Fordyce


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