Life In Space


Life in space

Have you ever wanted to see the stars up close? Have you ever wanted to feel weightless? If you answered yes to those questions, then you might be interested in a job as a astronaut. However, the job of being an astronaut is very hard. Not only being an astronaut is hard on their body, but they need to train a lot before going into space, and they have difficult jobs to do while  they are in space.

First, being in space is hard on the astronaut’s body. According to source #2, “ Astronaut’s other muscles and their bones can also get weaker.”  On earth we run around  and exercise with gravity, which helps our muscles grow strong. In space, there is no gravity,  so astronauts have to exercise extra hard to keep their muscles and bones strong.  If you see a astronauts headed to space with a teamill, now you know why.

Astronauts have to train a lot. According to source #1 astronauts have to train for 100s of hours before going into space. Astronauts have to study for years before going into space too. They have to learn medical skills. They also have to learn to fix things while in space. They have to take scuba diving because it feels like there in space.

Astronauts have difficult  jobs too. According to source #2 they have Learn to fix things in space. They have to be a leader to make sure that everyone is doing there job. They have to learn to work with no gravity. Pilots have to learn to steer the spaceship- and train for 100s hours.

Astronauts do not have it easy. As you have read, just going into space can harm a astronaut’s body. Even before they go into space, they have to train for hours to prepare. Once they are in space they have difficult jobs to do. So next time you look up at the stars and you see a satellite in the night sky, remember all the hard work astronauts did to make that happen.  

Site sources

Source #1 what is a Astronaut by Talia Yee

Source #2 Life in Space by Arron Higgins

2 thoughts on “Life In Space

  • April 14, 2016 at 8:11 pm

    Dear Nash,
    We had such a great time learning about astronauts and to write an organized paper together. I really like your #3 and #4 paragraphs that you wrote by yourself using your notes. Fantastic work citing your sources. What was your favorite part about this assignment?

    Happy blogging,
    Mrs. Fordyce

  • April 19, 2016 at 7:37 pm

    Dear Nash,
    I love your post on Life in Space! I thought noting facts and information with Mr. Anderson and Mrs. Fordyce was fun. I also liked writing the paragraphs on google docs. Did you enjoy taking notes with Mr. Anderson? Did you also like writing paragraphs on google docs? I love learning about different jobs such as an astronaut! I love the image you used! I noticed you forgot to sight your image by the website.
    Rhianna 🙂


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